About the Project
HABITS OF HORSES invited the community to celebrate and explore our relationship with horses, learn new art skills from senior artists and artisans, undertake new experiences, express creativity and get up close and personal with these beautiful animals that have been such an important part of our history.
The HABITS OF HORSES project presented curated exhibitions with works by international and nationally recognised artists together with community artists, beginners and dabblers. It married the historical with the contemporary, providing opportunities for reminiscing and story-telling through workshops, events, talks and demonstrations across several venues including the Mundaring Arts Centre, Midland Junction Arts Centre and Mundaring Sculpture Park.
View the Habits of Horses Media Release>
Thank you to everyone who participated, shared their skills, enthusiasm and creative energy to make Habits of Horses 2017 such a success. It has been a monumental project celebrating our connections with horses and community.
The following film created by Curtin University Film and Television student Andrew Sampson encapsulates just a few of the special moments, from the stunning temporary sculpture exhibition; drawing, ceramics and school workshops; exhibitions by contemporary artists; people’s enjoyment of live horses; community groups who work with horses; cultural celebrations, including music and dance to the gorgeous Hobby Horses. Please enjoy the following stories to view the whole project.
A relaxed and community spirited crowd of around 3,000 people flocked to the Perth hills to take part in the Habits of Horses Open Day on Sunday 20 August. Visitors enjoyed the ‘serious’ and the not so serious artworks on display at Mundaring Arts Centre and the temporary horse sculptures at Mundaring Sculpture Park.
Filmed by SkyworkWA
Midland Junction Arts Centre came alive with the vibrant photographic works by Clare Arni and the collaborative work during Kasirajan Subbaiah’s artist residency. Enjoy this short film detailing a snapshot the project and the building of the community kiln at Entopia Winery.
Filmed by Andrew Sampson and Dan Smith
Interview with artist in residence Kasirajan Subbaiah by Clare Arni at Midland Junction Arts Centre. Kasirajan Subbaiah is one of five remaining potters in his district in Tamil Nardu, Kasirajan Subbaiah continues the tradition of creating Terracotta horses that have been handed down through his family for over 300 years.
Filmed by Andrew Sampson
Celebrating the role of the horse in agriculture, economy and sport, contemporary artists respond to the ancestral and cultural role horses played in the country of their forefathers. With artists Madeleine Clear, Marcia Espinosa, Indra Geidans, Jan Griffiths, Tony Jones, Paul Kaptein, Theo Koning, Matt McVeigh, Andrew Nicholls, Anna Louise Richardson, Sue Starcken and Yuko Takahashi. Curated by Jude van der Merwe.
A community exhibition including a ‘paddock’ of sculptured hay horses; a wall-mounted mob of wild brumbies made from found objects; small sculptures, rosettes and jewellery incorporating horse hair created by school children teenagers and adults. Artworks have been created in a series of workshops led by professional artists for local schools and the general community in the City of Swan and Shire of Mundaring.
HORSE DRAWN celebrates the equine form through traditional drawing skills and contemporary digital drawing methods and included an artist-in-residence program, an exhibition of artworks by WA artists, art work created in community art workshops, floor talks and demonstrations.
The Vahana: Vehicle of the Gods exhibition features the work of Celebrated Bangalore based photographer, Clare Arni who has been documenting the Aiyanar festivals in India and processes leading up to them for several years.
Clare Arni presents an exhibition of new work describing the making of the terracotta horses, the festivals and votive offerings as well as images of the groves where avenues of horses form majestic entries to the spaces.
One of the remaining potters Kasirajan Subbaiah famous for making terracotta horses also took up residence at MJAC creating two 2.2 metre high terracotta horse for the project.
Four prominent WA artists installed large-scale sculptures relating to horses for a temporary exhibition at the Mundaring Sculpture Park. Featuring Tony Jones, Claire Bailey, Denise Brown and Cecile Williams, the Sculpture Park Horse-in-Stall sees the artists tackle the theme on dramatic scale, set amongst the picturesque surroundings of one of Mundaring's favourite community parks, where families and visitors can picnic and play surrounded by incredible contemporary artworks.
Mundaring Camera Club members proudly present a selection of photographs depicting various horse scenes throughout Perth, capturing the essence of the horse industry and our relationships with these magnificent animals.
On the 20 August, the Mundaring and Hills Historical Society opened their new Museum exhibition Hoofprints in the Hills, tracing the hoof-prints of the first horses to traverse the Perth hills from 1830 onwards. The exhibition on show until 22 February 2018 features some of the horse based organisations that played a role in the lives of local people.
A big thank you to SkyWorks WA for capturing our Habits of Horses Open Day Event so perfectly and creating this short film! If you missed out, be sure to check this out to see what we got up to!
There has been nothing small about the Habits of Horses Project and the Whopping Great Kiln Reveal was no exception!
Requiring a Hiab and truck to lift the ceramic fibre roof, volunteers eagerly awaited the first look at the results of the firing. The two horses stood proudly over the smaller Ganesha sculptures and community horses. One horse had suffered cracking throughout and will be repurposed into a smaller piece, all other sculptures were taken to their new homes to be loved by the creators. The kiln worked beautifully thanks to the hard work of kiln builders Bernard Kerr, Steven McKoy, Lee Woodcock, Jude van der Merwe, Jenny Kerr, Selva Marimuthu and a huge team of helpers.
Midland Junction Arts Centre now hosts the beautiful small horse and larger horse created by Kasirajan Subbaiah.
For those that missed it, this fantastic time-lapse film documents the making of the two 2.2m terracotta horse totems by potter Kasirajan Subbaiah from Tamil Nadu, as part of a residency at Midland Junction Arts Centre for the Habits of Horses project.
Click on the link below to watch the film!
So today is the big day. All horses big and small are tucked in the kiln
Starting at Entopia wines, 61 Memorial Drive, Baskerville from 11.30 today and going through until Saturday evening, the kiln will be firing on all four.
If you would like to come to wish the horses well and marvel at the kiln, please do so!
The two 2.2m high terracotta horses have arrived at Entopia safely and they are ready to be fired! Fingers crossed the kiln gods are looking over them! Click on the link below to see how we got them there...
Great milestone today with the fully padded roof going smoothly into place; much valued technical advice received from Nathan Bray and some energetic rendering to finish the walls off beautifully.
The plans of mice and men and enthusiastic volunteer kiln builders keep on keeping on.
The weather, actual work commitments and international travel have neatly combined to drive our planned schedule into a delightful blend of chaos and fantasy.
But we’re getting there.
So many people have expressed interest in the progress of the kiln; where and when the two 2.2m high terracotta horses will be fired.
Fantastic team lead by Bernard Kerr, Steve McCoy and Lee Woodcock have been making great progress using bricks donated by Pindan from the old Subiaco Fine China kilns.
Energetic assistance has so far been provided by John Beaton, Sarah Thornton Smith, Selva Marimuthu, Jenny Kerr, Tami Esancy and Jude van der Merwe.
It’s truly beautiful out at Entopia Wines and our kiln hosts Brian and Heather Hunt are making us all feel most welcome.
Let us know if you owuld like to get involved, info@mundaringartscentre.com.au >
The West Gallery of the Midland Junction Arts Centre came alive with Vahana, presenting the photographic works by Clare Arni who documented the vibrant Kunde Festival in Tamil Nardu. Clare travelled to Perth from Bangalore India and presented a talk about her work. She spoke about how she documents the lives of marginalised communities in some of the most remote regions of India and the disappearing trades of urban India. Her work has been exhibited at the Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria, Grosvenor Vadehra, London, Bose Pacia and it was a privilege to hear her story and share her works with visitors.
Enjoy this short film of exhibiting artist Clare Arni behind the lens capturing the beauty of the Aiyannar Festival in Chettinad India for her exhibition ‘Vahana: Vehicle of the Gods’ on show at Midland Junction Arts Centre. Clare Arni’s stunning exhibition documents these festivals celebrated in sacred groves on the outskirts of villages in India in early spring and the processes leading up to them including the potters, who inherit the role of priest, making large-scale terracotta horses and other votive offerings.
Filmed by Selvaprakash Lakshmanan
Using the subject matter of the Horse Drawn exhibition as guidance, participants are provided with an easel, paper and charcoal to create imaginative equine forms.
Our Habits of Horses exhibitions 'Vahana: Vehicle of the Gods' and 'Horse Drawn' have been extended, due to popular demand! You can now see these fantastic exhibitions at Midland Junction Arts Centre right up until 27 October 2017. Visit the shows 10am - 5pm Wed to Fri and see what all the fuss is about!
Midland Junction Arts Centre (MJAC) came alive with a Cultural Celebration Day on Sunday 10 September. A lively crowd of approximately 400 people joined in the festivities that included free art and craft activities, two exceptional exhibitions, wonderful food provided by the Tamil Association of WA and culminated with Indian dance and the launch of two large-scale terracotta horses created by International artist in residence, Kasirajan Subbaiah from Tamil Nadu, India. If you missed out, or are keen to relive the afternoon, check out all the festivities here!
Artist Angela Stewart exhibited a series of expressive charcoal drawings exploring man’s relationship with horses during World War I as part of the Horse Drawn exhibition on show in the East Gallery of the Midland Junction Arts Centre. In her workshops on Sunday 10 September participants then had the opportunity to experiment with charcoal and mixed media on paper, working in both traditional and experimental approaches to create new works focusing on the significance of horses and their role in history. See more from the workshop by clicking on the link below!
As part of the Cultural Open Day at Midland Junction Arts Centre (MJAC) on Sunday 10 September local potter Lee Woodcock worked alongside International artist in residence Kasirajan Subbaiah from Tamil Nadu, India to offer free ceramics workshops in the newly opened studio. Approximately 35 parents and children from the Tamil Language school created a series of small sculptural horses to add to the display of community pieces created for the Habits of Horses project.
One of the must-see artworks for Habits of Horses is this life-sized horse created by Matt McVeigh in collaboration with Juli Coffin. Find out more about this amazing artwork.
The Midland Junction Arts Centre opened its doors to a large number of artists and arts organisations for the CAN networking event on Thursday evening, 7 September. Visitors explored the Vahana and Horse Drawn exhibitions, viewed the works in progress by community members and International artist Kasirajan Subbaiah and met the artists in residence whilst touring the venue. Madjitil Moorna choir began the organisation presentations followed by Poppy van Oorde-Grainger as she discussed the Protection film project. Sarah Toohey then led the community presentations with an overview of the Horse Tales project before the group moved onto an informal networking session. It was terrific to see so many new artists from all disciplines sharing their stories thanks to CAN and becoming acquainted with the Midland Junction Arts Centre.
Exhibiting Artist Yuko Takahashi created stunning bronze horse sculptures and has been delighting us with her brass origami herd of Pegasus' as part of the Habits of Horses exhibition at MAC. This exhibition was the first time Yuko had a chance to meet a real horse and - as her work shows - she was smitten with these amazing creatures!
Create a multi-layered mixed media artwork using ink, drafting film and conte crayons. In this conceptual session draw on personal experiences with horses and mood, and watch your style evolve.
Habits of Horses artist and active local Madeleine Clear dropped in with her sister to view the exhibitions - Madeleine's work for the show being based on the true story of these two ladies in childhood, as recent newcomers to the Mundaring area, following a horse into the bush and getting lost out around the Weir. Obviously, the story had a happy ending and it was so lovely to see them - portrayed in mixed media then - and now.
Artist and designer Sarah Zel Chescoe has created this interactive Hitching Post to reference the history of Mundaring using images, documents & maps from the Mundaring Hills Historical Society Museum and the Visitors Centre.
Internationally renowned potter Bernard Kerr christened the newly opened ceramics studio at the Midland Junction Arts Centre with a weekend series of workshops exploring the form, movement and people’s cultural relationships with horses.
Wow! We are in awe watching the creation of the huge 2.2m terracotta horse by artist in residence Kasirajan Subbaiah at MJAC as part of Habits of Horses! Kasirajan is one of the remaining potters from Aranthangi, Pudhukottai District, Tamil Nadu, famous for creating these sculptures as part of the Aiyanar Festivals. Open Wed - Fri 10am - 5pm and Sat 10am - 1pm. Looking forward to the unveiling of the completed terracotta horse at the Cultural Celebration 2pm - 4pm on Sun 10 Sep
We have just had a great drop-in workshop with the amazingly talented Katrina Virgona. Visitors joined her for an informal workshop and tried their hand at felting to create a small horse-inspired brooch using horse hair and other animal fibres.
Small groups were invited to visit MJAC to make little ceramic horses with Lee Woodcock using pinch pot and hand-building techniques. Inspired by Indian potter and MJAC artist-in-residence Kasirajan Subbaiah who is creating a 2.2 metre high terracotta horse, the students made their figurines with care and attention to detail.
The Habits of Horses Open Day on 20 August, opened the stable doors to a steady stream of visitors who enjoyed the ‘serious’ and the not so serious artworks on display at the Mundaring Arts Centre and the temporary horse sculptures at Mundaring Sculpture Park.
Lisa Hegarty, Mundaring Arts Centre and Habits of Horses volunteer, wrapped up the success of the Open Day on 20 August saying “The day was buzzing even before the hay barrels hit the ground. Lending to the anticipation were the horse’s whinnies in the dusty arena, the rolling green grass set for hobby horse racing, the live displays and the art. Call it a passion of the heart, call it a love of these great animals, but everyone there was ready to celebrate not only horses, but community too...
The opening of the Vahana: Vehicle of the Gods and Horse Drawn exhibitions yesterday afternoon marked the beginning of a transformation for Midland Junction Arts Centre into a hub for international art collaboration and cultural diversity as part of the Habits of Horses project. Visitors were treated to a fantastic performance of traditional Indian Dance by Ghirija Jayarraj and students from the Tamil Association of WA. Thank you to all of those that joined us in celebration!
Click on the link below for info on what's happening at MJAC as part of the project and to see more images from the Opening!
A relaxed and community spirited crowd of around 3,000 people flocked to the Perth hills to take part in the Habits of Horses Open Day on Sunday 20 August. Take a look through the photos by clicking on the link below, to get a feel for the day!
There was no “reining in” the enthusiasm of the Mundaring Men’s Shed members as they put their shed full of equipment to good use, creating artistic objects for the Habits of Horses Project.
Working alongside artist Sarah Zel Chescoe, the members created two unique hitching posts for the Mundaring community as well as team of hobby horses for the Great Hobby Horse Race held at the Open Day, 20 August in the Mundaring Sculpture Park.
Claire Bailey's "On The Run" sculptures have proved the favourite on social media being snapped a number of times by our followers. Here are some of the creative pictures for you to enjoy!
Check out these amazing stop motion animations created by Moorditj Noongar Community College students and participants from the school holiday workshops as part of Steven Aiton's residence at Midland Junction Arts Centre earlier this year. These animations and many more will be exhibited at Midland Junction Arts Centre as part of the Horse Drawn exhibition from Sunday 27 Aug - Saturday 23 Sep.
Chidlow Tavern now has new, bright and creative horses hitching posts thanks to local artists Mary Ann Dawson and the Habits of Horses Community Project. Watch this space as more hitching post are revealed!
Banner is up and preparations are in full swing for Part 2 HABITS OF HORSES with two more exciting exhibitions at MJAC! Vahana: Vehicle of the Gods, a stunning photography exhibition by Clare Arni, and Horse Drawn, a collection of amazing drawings by WA Artists, will be open Sun 27 - Sat 23 Sep. With this and so much more happening including a cultural celebration day and an international artist in residence, this is definitely not to be missed.
The Katharine Susannah Prichard (KSP) Writers Centre have been busy creating a large story and poetry display featuring horse-themed works from members - fiction and non-fiction - in the shape of a horse. In addition, they have also been collecting oral readings. Click on the link below to listen to some poems collected at KSP's recent Open Day.
The Great Hobby Horse race at the Open Day on Sun 20 August was a galloping success! Hundreds of riders saddled up to take part!
If you missed out, there is still a chance to take part… bring your hobby horse or simply your imagination to the Midland Junction Arts Centre Cultural Open Day between 2pm and 4pm on Sun 10 Sept. Participants can again freestyle over Denise Brown’s amazing hobby horse jumps to be in the running for great prizes.
Congratulations to Rosie who won our Habits of Horses Open Day competition and scored a weekend getaway in Mundaring. It was lovely to meet Rosie and her sister and take them on an exhibition tour. Thanks for coming along and we hope you enjoyed the Open Day!
Have you made a hobby horse yet for the Habits of Horses Great Hobby Horse Race this Sunday? The Magic Millions Grand Prize race will be held between 2-3pm at the Mundaring Sculpture Park. There are loads of great prizes to win, so get creative!
A fabulous opening for a fabulous exhibition - thanks to all who braved the weather to witness the start of Habits of Horses. Here are a few pics and if you missed it
The crowds descended on MAC’s art activity tent at the Avon Descent Family Day at Lilac Hill. The sun shone and families arrived to make hobby horses with Meagan Quantock and Marie Jacquier using sock heads, old jumper sleeves and cardboard rolls.Parents and children worked together to create their hobby horses, stitching them to create manes and faces full of personality. The children galloped off, delighted with their creations.
Click on the link below to see all the photos of us having fun!
We’ve partnered with Up The Hill B&B to give one lucky follower a destination experience in Mundaring. Win a night’s accommodation and come to our Habits of Horses Open Day in Mundaring on 20 August 2017!
This incredible prize package includes: beautiful accommodation for two people, a trail walk, cooked breakfast and coffee at A Patch of Country and 10% discount at their gift shop. The lucky winners are then invited to spend the day enjoying the art and free community events at the Habits of Horses Open Day, run by the Mundaring Arts Centre.
To celebrate the horses birthday, the Mundaring Camera Club are showcasing their photographs of horses at the Boya Community Centre from today, 1 Aug, until 30 Sept. The club members had a great day installing on Saturday and their exhibition has already attracted a lot of interest from the library visitors.
Year 1 to 6 students from Helena College Junior School learned the art of fibre sculpture and made hay horses, complete with machine stitched rosettes and saddles from recycled blankets. With their art teacher Marie Jacquier, the students created their horses and used a hand crank machine to sew saddles and rosettes.
Training for the Great Hobby Horse event to be held on the Habits of Horses Open Day Saturday 20 August at the Mundaring Sculpture Park is well underway! Check out these amazing moves and equally impressive jumps crafted by local artist Denise Brown!
Eastern Hills Year 9 students worked with textiles artist Katrina Virgona to learn the art of feltmaking with the unusual addition of horse hair. Over three weeks the students created neckpieces, small sculptures and brooches incorporating stitch and hanks of horse hair to explore their connection with horses. Their work drew on notions of whimsical, playful talismanic weaponry and adornment.
Under the guidance of Katrina Virgona, a large and enthusiastic group of community members learnt how to make small felted sculptures, jewellery and rosettes, adding horse hair to give their creations a curious quality.
The Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre will be participating in Habits of Horses with a large story and poetry display at the Centre featuring horse-themed works from members - fiction and non-fiction - in the shape of a horse.
The Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre is calling for submissions for the community stories project.
Students from Moorditj Noongar Community College made amazing stop motion animations and zoetropes as part of Steven Aiton's residence at Midland Junction Arts Centre. Using found objects and scrap materials the Year 4s and 5s photographed their horses in stages and made short films.
Artist Dan Iley worked with Year 5 and 6 students from Mt Helena Primary School to create a mob of wild brumbies that ran across the walls of Gallery 2 during Habits of Horses. These beautiful horses were created using papier maché, then carefully painted and given fibre manes and tails.
Louise visited Moorditj Noongar Community College, where Year 4s and 5s took part in the Habits of Horse Project, creating artworks for the Horse Tales exhibition. Over 2 sessions students created sculpture hay horse using binding and wrapping techniques.
In a whirlwind of hay and colourful wool the students created their unique freestanding horses, considered their connections to horses, movement and adding decorations such as felted saddles, manes, tails and stitching with coloured yarn. The huge paddock of horses was an audience favourite with many excited families visiting their creations whilst they were ‘in-stalled’.
Students from Gidgegannup Primary School made wonderful hay horses in two workshops with artist Louise Snook. Working with a wire armature, the Year 5 and 6 students wrapped hay around the wire and embellished their horses with stitched manes, saddles and bridles. Some horses even had tiny stirrups made from ring pulls!
Getting down to business today as we kicked off our next community project 'Habits of Horses'. It was fantastic to have so many passionate community groups represented at the meeting sharing all things horses. Watch this space as we unveil an exciting program of horse art, stories, exhibitions, talks events and more!
Events Calendar
Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre will be participating in the Habits of Horses project with a large story and poetry display at the Centre featuring horse-themed works from members - fiction and non-fiction - in the shape of a horse.
The Midland Junction Arts Centre will come alive with Tamil dancing and food to celebrate the Horse Drawn and Vahana: Vehicle of the Gods exhibitions. Join us for the unveiling of the community Totemic Horses and the 3.5m terracotta horse created by artist in residence, Indian Potter Subbaiah Kasirajan. Visit the free exhibitions to see how leading WA artists and community members have interpreted their relationships with horses, try your hand at drawing a foal, create a small ceramic horse or simply soak up the community spirit.
Join renowned visual artist Angela Stewart for a drawing workshop focusing on the significance of horses and their role in history. You will experiment with charcoal and mixed media on paper, working in both traditional and experimental approaches.
Come and learn the latest from Perth’s creative east…
Community Arts Network and Mundaring Arts Centre join forces for this creative industry networking event.
Hear about MAC’s plans for Midland Junction Arts Centre and their latest project, Habits of Horses, currently exhibiting in Midland and Mundaring. Learn about how the community has been part of this exciting project.
During the Horse Drawn and Vahana exhibitions we invite groups to book a free session and visit the potters in residence. Groups of 5 - 15 participants can take part in drop-in workshops on Thursdays 31 Aug, 7 Sep, 14 Sep and 21 Sep.
It's easy: simply choose a session, call or email our Education Manager and discuss a time that works for your group. You can select from the following workshops:
- Charcoal sketching
- Ink and conte creation
- Guided tours
- Ceramic pinch pots with Lee Woodcock
Please join us to hear Clare Arni talk about her exhibition and the work she does in India documenting aspects of Indian cultural life. Her solo exhibition documents the lives of marginalised communities in some of the most remote regions of India and the disappearing trades of urban India. She will also provide an insight into the tradition of terracotta horse making and veneration of the Hindu gods.
The talk will be followed by a walk through to see the progress of the 3m high terracotta horse being created at the Midland Junction Arts Centre by Artist in Residence, Kasirajan Subbaiah from India.
Drop in, meet the artist and join her for an informal workshop any time between 10am and 1pm. Try your hand at felting and create a small horse-inspired brooch or rosette using horse hair and other animal fibres.
Celebrated Bangalore based photographer, Clare Arni presents a series of photographs detailing the making of terracotta horses and Hindu votive offerings for the Aiyanar festival in India.
HORSE DRAWN celebrates the equine form through traditional drawing skills and contemporary digital drawing methods and includes an artist-in-residence program, an exhibition of artworks by WA artists, art work created in community art workshops, floor talks and demonstrations.
Join internationally renowned ceramist, Bernard Kerr for a three day hand-building ceramics workshop to create your own terracotta horse. Be a part of the Habits of Horses Project and join the community celebration.
Help Animal Aid Abroad celebrate 10 years of helping working animals around the world and launch of Global Working Animal Day by taking part in the Walk a Mile in My Shoes Challenge to enable us to help abused, sick and suffering working animals in desperate need.
Four prominent WA artists install large-scale sculptures relating to horses for a temporary exhibition at the Mundaring Sculpture Park. Featuring Tony Jones, Claire Bailey, Denise Brown and Cecile Williams, the Sculpture Park Horse-in-Stall sees the artists tackle the theme on dramatic scale, set amongst the picturesque surroundings of one of Mundaring's favourite community parks, where families and visitors can picnic and play surronded by incredible contemporary artworks.
Since 1830 when exploration parties, accompanied by pack-horses, first ventured over Western Australia’s Darling Range in search of greener pastures, horses’ hoofprints have made a mark on the Hills’ landscape. Whether used for ploughing, warfare, transportation, entertainment or therapy, horses have been integral in shaping and enriching the Shire of Mundaring’s past and present. This exhibition celebrates the horse, and the many and varied ways humans have interacted with these magnificent animals over the years.
Saddle up for the Great Hobby Horse Race and be in the running to win great prizes!
On Sun 20 August artists will be 'on the green' at the Mundaring Sculpture Park from 10am, inviting people to come and make a hobby horse, have their face painted and create a dressage top hat.
Hobby Horse Races will be held in a number of heats throughout the day with the Magic Millions Grand Prize Heat held between 2-3pm. Participants will jump over a series of stunning Hobby Horse jumps made by artist Denise Brown to be in the running for great prizes including prize packs from Magic Millions, Horseland, Hoofbeats Magazine and Jacksons Drawing Supplies.
Join us for a day packed with opportunities to connect with and better understand horses through drawing, plaiting, painting and sculpture as well as rides, races, competitions, demonstrations by horse breeders, the SES, the 10th Light Horse Regiment, leather workers and more!
The Mundaring Sculpture Park will become a hub of activity on the Open Day, hosting an outdoor exhibition of large-scale sculpture, a live music stage, horse petting, whip cracking, historical and art exhibitions, local community displays, poetry readings, a book sale, international food vans and activities such as saddling competitions, horse shoe quoits and the Great Hobby Horse Race.
Serious Horsing Around
Celebrating the role of the horse in agriculture, economy and sport, contemporary artists respond to the ancestral and cultural role horses played in the country of their forefathers. With artists Madeleine Clear, Marcia Espinosa, Indra Geidans, Jan Griffiths, Tony Jones, Paul Kaptein, Theo Koning, Matt McVeigh, Andrew Nicholls, Anna Louise Richardson, Sue Starcken and Yuko Takahashi. Curated by Jude van der Merwe.
Image: Marcia Espinosa
A wild ride with hay, horse hair and horse shoes - community artworks inspired by horses
A community exhibition including a ‘paddock’ of sculptured hay horses; a wall-mounted mob of wild brumbies made from found objects; small sculptures, rosettes and jewellery incorporating horse hair created by school children teenagers and adults. Artworks have been created in a series of workshops led by professional artists for local schools and the general community in the City of Swan and Shire of Mundaring.
Bring a zany or woolly sock to the Avon Descent activity tent and craft your own hobby horse to take home.
Sunday 6 August | 10am - 3pm | Suitable for all ages
FREE | Materials supplied
Lilac Hill West Swan Rd West Swan WA
Mundaring Camera Club members proudly present a selection of photographs depicting various horse scenes throughout Perth, capturing the essence of the horse industry and our relationships with these magnificent animals.
Create a Hobby Horse using paper mâché and sculptural techniques. Be inspired by horses from real life to mythology including centaurs, Pegasus, Black Beauty, the Trojan Horse, stallions & race horses.
Join the fun and race your horse through a course of jumps at the HABITS OF HORSES Open Day on Sunday 20 August at the Mundaring Sculpture Park. Prizes awarded at the Open Day Event!
As part of the HABITS OF HORSES PROJECT fibre artist Katrina Virgona will introduce 3D felting using horse hair and wool to create horse-inspired jewellery, rosettes and small sculptured forms. Your creation can be displayed in the community exhibition HORSE TALES at Mundaring Arts Centre from 11 August to 10 September.
In the lead up to the HORSE DRAWN exhibition, senior artists take up residency in the Midland Junction Arts Centre studios for up to 6 weeks. Artists renowned for their technique examine line, tone, texture, structure and movement through workshops with local school students, artists and the community.
Artist Ross Potter recently completed a six week residency at Midland Junction Arts Centre where he created a remarkable life-size drawing exploring proportion and rendering techniques to capture the texture and feel of horses. Whilst creating his stunning portrait of ‘Thunder’ Ross also ran a series of community workshops