Whopping Great Kiln - The Real McCoy

The plans of mice and men and enthusiastic volunteer kiln builders keep on keeping on.

The weather, actual work commitments and international travel have neatly combined to drive our planned schedule into a delightful blend of chaos and fantasy.

But we’re getting there.

The roof mesh has been made, the end panels constructed and today’s efforts will be all about attaching the fibre to the roof, completing the ‘pointing’ and chimney construction.

Then four metal doors need to be welded up for the fireboxes and a plethora of other small jobs completed.

It’s absolutely beautiful out at Entopia Wines and Brian and Heather Hunt remain enthusiastic and calm in the face of a kiln capable of containing six adults standing with room for more inside.

Come out to visit and help – let us know when and what you can do and join in the fun.

info@mundaringartscentre.com.au >