Join Wardandi Bibbulmun woman Dale Tilbrook during the Mundaring Sunday Markets on a cultural journey that will ignite all the senses.
Dale will share her wealth of knowledge about Australian native edibles. She will walk you around the Bibbulmun region with her descriptions and stories about local food traditionally consumed by Aboriginal people, Aboriginal agricultural practices and the six seasons.
Taste a variety of wild bush foods, such as quandong, native limes, sandalwood nuts and local coastal greens. Sniff, touch and taste native Australian herbs, spices and peppers, discover the uses of bush tucker plants, their medicinal properties and the surprising health benefits they offer.
Plus there is a free opportunity to meet Dale Tilbrook 11:30am - 12:15pm
Sun 14 Mar | 10:45am - 11:30am | Suitable for 18+ yrs
$15 | $13.50 members
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