There has been nothing small about the Habits of Horses Project and the Whopping Great Kiln Reveal was no exception!
Requiring a Hiab and truck to lift the ceramic fibre roof, volunteers eagerly awaited the first look at the results of the firing. The two horses stood proudly over the smaller Ganesha sculptures and community horses. One horse had suffered cracking throughout and will be repurposed into a smaller piece, all other sculptures were taken to their new homes to be loved by the creators. The kiln worked beautifully thanks to the hard work of kiln builders Bernard Kerr, Steven McKoy, Lee Woodcock, Jude van der Merwe, Jenny Kerr, Selva Marimuthu and a huge team of helpers.
Midland Junction Arts Centre now hosts the beautiful small horse and larger horse created by Kasirajan Subbaiah.
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For those that missed it, this fantastic time-lapse film documents the making of the two 2.2m terracotta horse totems by potter Kasirajan Subbaiah from Tamil Nadu, as part of a residency at Midland Junction Arts Centre for the Habits of Horses project.
Click on the link below to watch the film!
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So today is the big day. All horses big and small are tucked in the kiln
Starting at Entopia wines, 61 Memorial Drive, Baskerville from 11.30 today and going through until Saturday evening, the kiln will be firing on all four.
If you would like to come to wish the horses well and marvel at the kiln, please do so!
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The two 2.2m high terracotta horses have arrived at Entopia safely and they are ready to be fired! Fingers crossed the kiln gods are looking over them! Click on the link below to see how we got them there...
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Great milestone today with the fully padded roof going smoothly into place; much valued technical advice received from Nathan Bray and some energetic rendering to finish the walls off beautifully.
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The plans of mice and men and enthusiastic volunteer kiln builders keep on keeping on.
The weather, actual work commitments and international travel have neatly combined to drive our planned schedule into a delightful blend of chaos and fantasy.
But we’re getting there.
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So many people have expressed interest in the progress of the kiln; where and when the two 2.2m high terracotta horses will be fired.
Fantastic team lead by Bernard Kerr, Steve McCoy and Lee Woodcock have been making great progress using bricks donated by Pindan from the old Subiaco Fine China kilns.
Energetic assistance has so far been provided by John Beaton, Sarah Thornton Smith, Selva Marimuthu, Jenny Kerr, Tami Esancy and Jude van der Merwe.
It’s truly beautiful out at Entopia Wines and our kiln hosts Brian and Heather Hunt are making us all feel most welcome.
Let us know if you owuld like to get involved, >
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The West Gallery of the Midland Junction Arts Centre came alive with Vahana, presenting the photographic works by Clare Arni who documented the vibrant Kunde Festival in Tamil Nardu. Clare travelled to Perth from Bangalore India and presented a talk about her work. She spoke about how she documents the lives of marginalised communities in some of the most remote regions of India and the disappearing trades of urban India. Her work has been exhibited at the Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria, Grosvenor Vadehra, London, Bose Pacia and it was a privilege to hear her story and share her works with visitors.
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Enjoy this short film of exhibiting artist Clare Arni behind the lens capturing the beauty of the Aiyannar Festival in Chettinad India for her exhibition ‘Vahana: Vehicle of the Gods’ on show at Midland Junction Arts Centre. Clare Arni’s stunning exhibition documents these festivals celebrated in sacred groves on the outskirts of villages in India in early spring and the processes leading up to them including the potters, who inherit the role of priest, making large-scale terracotta horses and other votive offerings.
Filmed by Selvaprakash Lakshmanan
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Using the subject matter of the Horse Drawn exhibition as guidance, participants are provided with an easel, paper and charcoal to create imaginative equine forms.
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Our Habits of Horses exhibitions 'Vahana: Vehicle of the Gods' and 'Horse Drawn' have been extended, due to popular demand! You can now see these fantastic exhibitions at Midland Junction Arts Centre right up until 27 October 2017. Visit the shows 10am - 5pm Wed to Fri and see what all the fuss is about!
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Midland Junction Arts Centre (MJAC) came alive with a Cultural Celebration Day on Sunday 10 September. A lively crowd of approximately 400 people joined in the festivities that included free art and craft activities, two exceptional exhibitions, wonderful food provided by the Tamil Association of WA and culminated with Indian dance and the launch of two large-scale terracotta horses created by International artist in residence, Kasirajan Subbaiah from Tamil Nadu, India. If you missed out, or are keen to relive the afternoon, check out all the festivities here!
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Artist Angela Stewart exhibited a series of expressive charcoal drawings exploring man’s relationship with horses during World War I as part of the Horse Drawn exhibition on show in the East Gallery of the Midland Junction Arts Centre. In her workshops on Sunday 10 September participants then had the opportunity to experiment with charcoal and mixed media on paper, working in both traditional and experimental approaches to create new works focusing on the significance of horses and their role in history. See more from the workshop by clicking on the link below!
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As part of the Cultural Open Day at Midland Junction Arts Centre (MJAC) on Sunday 10 September local potter Lee Woodcock worked alongside International artist in residence Kasirajan Subbaiah from Tamil Nadu, India to offer free ceramics workshops in the newly opened studio. Approximately 35 parents and children from the Tamil Language school created a series of small sculptural horses to add to the display of community pieces created for the Habits of Horses project.
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One of the must-see artworks for Habits of Horses is this life-sized horse created by Matt McVeigh in collaboration with Juli Coffin. Find out more about this amazing artwork.
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The Midland Junction Arts Centre opened its doors to a large number of artists and arts organisations for the CAN networking event on Thursday evening, 7 September. Visitors explored the Vahana and Horse Drawn exhibitions, viewed the works in progress by community members and International artist Kasirajan Subbaiah and met the artists in residence whilst touring the venue. Madjitil Moorna choir began the organisation presentations followed by Poppy van Oorde-Grainger as she discussed the Protection film project. Sarah Toohey then led the community presentations with an overview of the Horse Tales project before the group moved onto an informal networking session. It was terrific to see so many new artists from all disciplines sharing their stories thanks to CAN and becoming acquainted with the Midland Junction Arts Centre.
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Exhibiting Artist Yuko Takahashi created stunning bronze horse sculptures and has been delighting us with her brass origami herd of Pegasus' as part of the Habits of Horses exhibition at MAC. This exhibition was the first time Yuko had a chance to meet a real horse and - as her work shows - she was smitten with these amazing creatures!
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Create a multi-layered mixed media artwork using ink, drafting film and conte crayons. In this conceptual session draw on personal experiences with horses and mood, and watch your style evolve.
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Habits of Horses artist and active local Madeleine Clear dropped in with her sister to view the exhibitions - Madeleine's work for the show being based on the true story of these two ladies in childhood, as recent newcomers to the Mundaring area, following a horse into the bush and getting lost out around the Weir. Obviously, the story had a happy ending and it was so lovely to see them - portrayed in mixed media then - and now.
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