Act-Belong-COmmiT elevate arts
PLASTIC POLLUTION - Finding solutions to reduce our footprint
This annual environmental art project provides an opportunity for primary school children in the Shire of Mundaring to engage with local and global environmental issues and promote a positive message about the importance of protecting the earth. Each year students explore a different environmental theme; and this year’s banners reflect the students’ investigation into Plastic Pollution: Finding Solutions to Reduce Our Footprint. Students first created designs on A4 paper representing their findings on the impact of plastic pollution and changes we can make to minimize the harmful effects of plastic on our planet.
The designs were displayed at Mundaring Arts Centre during August and September with 10 local primary schools taking part including Bakers Hill, Chidlow, Darlington, Helena College, Mount Helena, Parkerville, Pickering Brook, Sawyers Valley, Swan View, Treetops Montessori as well as independent entries. From over 800 entries, Judges Briony Moran & Jolene Wallington (Shire of Mundaring), Sarah Toohey & Elizabeth Green-Mackinlay (Mundaring Arts Centre staff) awarded sixteen winners and eight highly commended entries.
The sixteen winning students then worked alongside artist Louise Cook to translate their artworks into large scale banners at Mundaring Arts Centre.
On Thursday 6 December the sixteen new banners we’re launched at the Nichol Street Memorial Rose Gardens in Mundaring. The launch was attended by the Shire of Mundaring President Cr John Daw, participating students, teachers, parents, and staff from the Mundaring Arts Centre and Shire of Mundaring. Winning students received certificates and prizes and two people’s choice awards were announced from the exhibition of original designs. The banners will remain on display for the following year for the whole community to enjoy.
Judging of the 2018 entries
Anika Scudds
Parkerville Primary, Yr 1
Hanna Marsh
Chidlow Primary, Yr2
Hunter Rhodes
Mt Helena Primary, Yr 2
Jessica Muijs
Pickering Brook Primary, Yr 3
Chelsea Gomersall
Bakers Hill Primary, Yr 3
Darcy Tucker
Darlington Primary, Yr 3
Carlo Aloi
Helena College, Yr 4
Leah Mead
Sawyers Valley Primary, Yr 4
Cyrus Cargill
Independent Entry, Yr 4
Bridie McEnroe
Mt Helena Primary, Yr 5
Ellis Gould
Helena College, Yr 5
Lana Hull
Swan View Primary, Yr 5
Brooke Daljac
Independent Entry, Yr 6
Tiffany Ramsey
Sawyers Valley Primary, Yr 6
Ella Kuchel
Darlington Primary, Yr 6
Nyia Solig-Heseltine
Parkerville Primary, Yr 6
Freya Turner
Parkerville Primary, Yr 4
Izabell Allsop
Chidlow Primary, Yr 2
Grace Boyd-Manders
Mt Helena Primary, Yr 5
Abigail Watson
Pickering Brook Primary, Yr 4
Sarah Raye
Pickering Brook Primary, Yr 6
Andre Giesemann
Bakers Hills Primary, Yr 3
Hayley Cooper
Darlington Primary, Yr 1
Aragon Shaw
Treetops Montessori School, Yr 4
Annabelle Lynch
Darlington Primary School, Yr 1
Ruby Kelso
Darlington Primary School, Yr
Photographs by Josh Wells